What I Learned in America
For some reason culture shock has hit me harder the longer I experience it. Not that it gets any more difficult, but for some reason the differences between Croatia and America seem even more pronounced now than they used to. So with my latest trip to America a few days behind me, here are some things (related and unrelated to culture shock) that I noticed. In no particular order: 1. How much I love my wife and son. Does distance make the heart grow fonder? In our case yes! 2. How much I will miss my parents and newly-married brother. Spending time with them was more valuable than I imagined - especially now that we probably won't be back for another year-and-a-half. 3. How big Americans are. One article I read said that 26% of Americans are obese...that's more than Croatia. 4. How convenient many things are in America. Need directions? Mapquest . Want a book? Amazon.com has a wide selection and delivers quickly. Coffee and WIFI? Dunkin Donuts , Brueggers , the local coffee sh...