
Showing posts from August, 2011


Here's a list of things I've spent more time doing lately than paying attention to American politics: - changing diapers - reading about the best strategy to incorporate when forming a baseball lineup - blogging (and you know that has been rare) - washing my car (rarer still) What's my point?  Following what's going on in D.C. has become rarer than a Chicago Cubs 5 game winning streak.  Yet anyone who googles "Orahovica" or "Culture Shock Croatia" (which happens more frequently than I thought) can find out my political views in under 1 minute flat if they click on the " politics " label on the right hand side of the blog.  They (you?) may be surprised to find out that though I am an Evangelical Christian, I quite unashamedly would have voted for Barrack Hussein Obama in 2008.   Of course the next question is "well what do you think of him now?" I surrender.  I simply don't know enough to offer an opinion. I haven...