On the Road Again
Since we've been back in the States we've been busier than Sarah Palin's wardrobe shoppers. All of the errands we've run, relatives we've visited and places we've gone to have required a considerable amount of driving. Each time I've gotten into the car and ventured out onto the roadways I find myself thinking: “Wow it’s easy to drive here!” Assuming you’re not on the nice new Croatian highway, if you’re a driver in Croatia you’re taking a risk every time you drive. The following is a list of obstacles you could very well encounter on a typical Croatian 2 lane (1 in each direction) roadway: 1. cars 2. trucks 3. tractors 4. combines 5. three-wheelers 6. wheelchairs 7. trams 8. bicyclists 9. pedestrians 10. sheep 11. shepherds 12. cows During the daytime these objects are not so difficult to avoid. Wheelchairs a...