Lost in Creation

One of the reasons we love Croatia as much as we do is because of the natural beauty.  And it just so happens that Orahovica - the town we live in - offers as many examples of that beauty as any place in Croatia. 

Today, as I prepared the morning must-haves - coffee for myself  and a bottle for Ian - I looked out the window to see 5 horses practically in our backyard.   Every fall, the owner of a nearby corral lets his horses graze on the land right behind ours.  We're fortunate to have them drop by every so often.  This was the scene this morning: 

They seemed to enjoy our company almost as much as we enjoyed theirs so Enoh and I stood watching them for about 10 minutes.  Both of us must have gotten caught up in the situation because as soon as one of the horses snorted we both jumped and laughed. 

What is it about God's creation that causes us to lose ourselves? 

I was reminded of the way David expressed his awe in Psalm 139:
How precious to me are your thoughts oh God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand.


Tracy said…
Excellent shots of the horses Jeremy! The story of you two being startled and laughing because of the horse snorting is priceless!

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