'Tis Always the Season

As we sat down on the pew last Sunday, our 2 year-old son Enoh looked up at the projector screen hanging from the ceiling in front of the pipe organ and said in a manner that would make any Christian dad proud: "Iwant...Isus (Jesus)!" 

Enoh begins at least half of his sentences this way whether the object is in Croatian or English: "Iwant...gamma" (grandma), or "Iwant..meko" (mlijeko, or milk).  (We are working on "please")

What was it about this church service that made him say he wanted Jesus?  Did he associate the PowerPoint on a large screen (like many congregants would these days) with church?  Did he connect the pipe organ (like many congregants in the past) with religion?  I honestly don't know for sure.

But I don't think so.  I think it started with the fact that there were a bunch of people in the room.  I think the kind people who gave us a hug and asked how we're doing gave him another clue.  I think standing, praying and singing as one may have clinched it for him. 

I want Jesus too.  And I love that a congregation who loves and cares for each other gives us a glimpse of who he is and indicates that he is among us.  Christ came to redeem his people.  He came because he loves his church and desires for others to come to him.  I'm reminded of what Christ told his disciples before he was betrayed:
"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
May we, as Christ's church, regardless of the season, leave others with the desire to know Jesus by our love.


Hey Jeremy!
I've just stumbled upon your post.
What a wonderful way to start a day. To be reminded from a kid(this time your enoh)what we all should be longing for - more - Jesus.
This is going with me all through this day. Thanks!
GB you and your family!
Danijel (from Slovenia).
Jeremy said…
Good to hear from you Danijel - thanks for stopping by. Please send our greetings to everyone there!
Anonymous said…
We enjoyed this very much!!!

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