The Three Little Pigs
During our time in the States, we've had the privilege of hosting one of our friends from Croatia. It's her first time in the U.S. so I was fascinated to find out what she would notice about the Land that "was made for you and me". Would it be how big everything is? Would she notice the cars, the billboards, the differences in the milk? Well, yes, yes, yes and yes.
Croatians - and I would guess most Europeans - have heeded the advice offered by the conclusion of the story. The vast majority of houses in Croatia are made of brick and concrete and therefore have fewer fires to worry about. On the other hand, houses take years, sometimes decades to complete because of the cost of brick versus wood.
A case can be made for both. What do you think?
However there are companies that offer this (I'm NOT spamming!)
However people are not used to hire a company to build their house...
Daniel N.