Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!

Dear Grandma,

Today is your day!

I wish our family could be there to celebrate with you. While it would be a bit noisy and chaotic with four kids five and under, we would love to share in the festivities.

My wife and I are in the middle of a phase when our children change so quickly. It seems like they learn or do something new everyday. Things are always changing around us.

But when I think of you, I see an example of faithfulness.

You are a polio survivor. You and grandpa raised three children - one of whom has Down's syndrome. Various situations caused you to move numerous times in your lives, often at times when it became increasingly difficult. You've faced many forms of adversity throughout your life.

Yet, your faith hasn't wavered. You continue to put your trust in the One who is faithful. And doing so has allowed your face to radiate with God's faithfulness.

Since I've known you, I've seen that come out in your selflessness. You played endless games of Monopoly and Payday with me when I was growing up as if there were nothing more you'd rather do the whole day. And you've always taken such joy in gift-giving.

These days it comes out in the cards you create and send by mail regularly. We frequently receive envelopes filled with the newest family pictures wishing us a Happy Spring or 4th of July. None of our 6 birthdays get left out either. You also signed up for Facebook and Skype around the same time we did so we could stay in touch.

We are so thankful for you, Grandma. Your selflessness and faithfulness are an example to all of us. And they are characteristics that I would love for our children to embrace.

I'm sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you today. While there would constantly be a swirl of activity around you during your celebration, it would be fitting that your presence would be in the middle of it all.

Happy 90th Birthday, Grandma! We love you.


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