Hungarians...They're Not so Bad.

My high-school English teacher used to joke:

"Jeremy, you're a good guy. I don't care what they say about you in the teacher's lounge."

Here in Croatia Hungarians don't always have the best reputation. Sure, they never started a war against Croatia, but their language is so...weird. They say the only place outside of Hungary with a language anything like Hungarian is in western Siberia.

But I have to say, the Hungarians I've met aren't so bad - despite the fact that Croatians look at them so strangely.

Our friend Laci, whom I've mentioned before on the Culture Shock weblog, has been serving in Vukovar, Croatia for 4 years or so. Now, God has called him to Budapest - a city with a population larger than the country of Slovenia. He'll be pastoring a new-start church on the outskirts of town. Petra and I are sad to see he, his wife and his daughters leave. They've been wonderful friends to us in the time we've spent with them here in Croatia.

Nonetheless Budapest will be receiving a man of God and a solid family.

Laci, you're a good guy. I don't care what they say about you in Croatia!


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