The _____________ Twos
Turning two - and having a child that turns two - can be shocking. Although I've done the former, I can do a better job of reporting on the latter. Let me give you some adjectives to describe the culture shock that has accompanied Enoh's transition into the twos.
1. Terrible. Don't stop here! It's not that bad. But sometimes you just have those instances, like the one below, where you wonder what got into your kid. For those of you who received our Christmas card this year, this was the scene 10 minutes before the family picture was taken. Yep, it can be terrible, but those moments only last for a...moment.
4. Tender. Enoh was never a cuddler before he turned two. But the combination of being the recipient of frequent hugs and the arrival of a younger brother have brought out some tender - albeit brief - moments. Enoh is a wonderful big brother.